Nasal implants are used during rhinoplasty to add support to the nose’s internal architecture. Plastic surgeons can fix a bulbous tip by implanting something called a lower lateral crural underlay graft.

The lower lateral crural underlay graft is a type of support that surgeons place inside the nose. They’re usually made of organic materials harvested from the patient’s body, like ear or rib cartilage.

Plastic surgeons stitch these to the lower lateral cartilages, which are the structures that define the tip of the nose. The tension provided by the sutures and the graft makes the rounded sides of the bulbous tip straighter.

Grafts are only one of the ways that plastic surgeons are able to fix a bulbous tip malformation. To learn more about rhinoplasty and your options, speak with a qualified plastic surgeon. Experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Park can help. Contact our San Diego office today.