Gender: Female
Months Post-Op: 2
Breast Surgery
Procedure Type: Revision Breast Augmentation
Implant Placement: Dual Plane
Implant Type: Mentor MemoryShape Silicone
Implant Profile: Moderate Plus Profile
Right Implant Size: 375cc
Left Implant Size: 330cc
Implant Shape: Anatomic
Implant Surface: Textured
Doctor’s Comments
This patient had undergone a breast augmentation and reconstruction using Allergan anatomic implants by another San Diego area plastic surgeon. She was unhappy with the asymmetry of her breasts after surgery. She felt the the left breast implant was too high and the volume of her breasts were asymmetric. She had had a tumor removed from her right breast which contributed to her volume and shape asymmetry. She consulted with Dr. Gregory Park and chose him to perform her revision breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. Dr. Park removed her old implants and created a new Dual Plane Split Muscle pockets for her new implants. She now has a 375cc Medium Height Moderate Plus Mentor MemoryShape anatomic silicone breast implant in her right breast and a 330cc Medium Height Moderate Plus Mentor MemoryShape anatomic silicone breast implant in her left breast. The new gummy bear implants in her new pockets provided her with better shape and volume symmetry. Her before and after photos show her revision breast augmentation and breast reconstruction results 2 months after her surgery.