Male Breast Reduction
Conveniently located to serve San Diego, Oceanside, CA and Carlsbad, CA
Male breast reduction provides a way for men with enlarged breasts or men who suffer from gynecomastia to reduce the size of their breasts and give their chest a flatter and more masculine appearance. At North Coast Plastic Surgery, we provide male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery, for men in San Diego, Oceanside, and Carlsbad.
What Is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a common but rarely talked about condition involving enlargement of the male breasts. In fact, it is so common that 40- 60% of men experience this feminized appearance of their chest. It can impair self-confidence and be a source of shame, distress, and ridicule that might prevent one from participating in physical activities and intimacy.
Potential Causes of Male Breast Enlargement
Though certain drugs and medical problems have been linked with male breast over-development, there is no known cause in the vast majority of cases. For men who feel self-conscious about excess breast tissue, breast reduction surgery can help. The procedure removes fat and or glandular tissue from the chest area, and in extreme cases removes excess skin, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer, and better contoured.
Techniques Used for Male Breast Reduction
The surgical procedure to improve the male chest is determined by the type of tissue within the chest. Surgery can consist of liposuction and or excision of breast tissue, or in extreme cases a breast reduction type approach to enhance the aesthetic outcome. This anatomical assessment occurs in a private consultation between Dr. Park and his patient. Our patient’s remarks after surgery are generally along the lines of, “I wish I had done this years ago!”

To view Before & After Male Breast Reduction photos, click photos above. Individual results may vary.
Best Candidates for Male Breast reduction

In cases where gynecomastia is primarily the result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction techniques alone may be used.

After liposuction, the patient has a flatter chest contour.

Excision techniques are recommended when glandular breast tissue or excess skin must be removed.

Incision patterns vary depending on the specific conditions and the surgeon’s preference.

Sometimes a combined approach with both excision and liposuction is necessary.

The areola can be reduced, or the nipple repositioned for a more natural chest contour.
Are You a Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?
There are various ways to improve the appearance of the male chest that has developed gynecomastia or male breasts. Surgery is a good option for male patients if they are:
- Physically healthy and not overweight
- Not seeing improvements in their chest with diet and exercise
- Realistic with goals and expectations
- No longer experiencing increased breast growth
- Self-conscious or embarrassed about their chest
- Non-smokers
How to Choose the Best Surgeon for You
Dr. Gregory Park is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has undergone extensive training. he is one of the best plastic surgeons in the region and focuses on ensuring his patients are provided with the comprehensive care they need. He is dedicated to providing our patients with outstanding results form their male breast reduction.
What to Expect During Your Consultation
Your initial consultation will help determine which type of surgery will provide you with the best results. Dr. Park will obtain a medical history from you to rule out any potential medical issues as the cause of your gynecomastia. In most cases, the exact cause is unknown. A physical examination of your chest will aid in deciding the best approach to surgery. Once Dr. Park knows how much fat and breast tissue is contained within the chest, he will recommend the surgery that will best suit your needs.
Getting Ready for Your Surgery
Before your surgery, Dr. Park and his nurses will see you at your preoperative appointment. During this appointment, you will get another opportunity to ask any additional questions you may have with regard to surgery and review all the details of surgery again.
You will be provided with prescriptions for medications required after surgery. You will also be provided with instructions to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on drinking, eating, smoking, and avoiding certain medications or supplements.
While preparing for surgery, make sure to make arrangements to have a family member or friend drive you home after surgery. You may also want to have someone help you for a couple of days while you recover.
How Male Breast Reduction Is Performed
The technical term for surgery to reduce the male breast is reduction mammoplasty. Male breast reduction surgery can be performed with liposuction, direct internal excision, microdebridement, or direct external excisions.
When the male breast mainly consists of fatty tissue, liposuction alone can be performed. In some cases where there is a small amount of fibrous breast tissue involved, the use of a microdebrider is nice because this device can eliminate the need for longer incisions.
When the ratio of fibrous tissue is higher than fat in the chest, direct excision generally provides better results than liposuction alone. In cases where the fat to breast tissue ratio is relatively equal, a combination of liposuction with direct excision offers the best solution.
In extreme cases of gynecomastia, the weight of excess fat and breast tissue results in stretched skin and sagging. In these cases, longer incisions similar to those seen in breast reductions in women are required to remove not only excess fat and breast tissue, but also extra skin. The tradeoffs are longer, more visible scars for a flatter, better-contoured chest.
Recovery After Gynecomastia Surgery
After your male breast reduction, it is normal to experience some discomfort for a couple of days. You will be provided with a prescription for pain medication which will help diminish any pain. You should make arrangments for a friend or family member to take you home after surgery and help with any postoperative needs at home for a couple of days.
In most cases, you will be instructed to wear a compression garment for at least 2 weeks. This will help to reduce swelling which can potentially persist for months. The worst swelling will resolve after the first couple of weeks with full resolution of swelling and final results after about 3 months or so.
Cardio such as riding a recumbent bicycle can be resumed after 2-3 weeks. Chest exercises, running, swimming, and nearly all normal activities can be resumed after about 3 to 4 weeks.
How Much Does Male Breast Reduction Cost?
The cost of male breast reduction will vary based on the techniques used, the amount of work required, and other factors. Nort Coast Plastic Surgery offers financing options for our patients.
What to Expect After Male Breast Reduction
Self-confidence and the appearance of your chest can be significantly and permanently improved with surgery.
Schedule Your Gynecomastia Consultation Today!
To find out if you are a good candidate for Male Breast Reduction surgery, call North Coast Plastic Surgery at 760.655.1414 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Gregory Park. We look forward to helping you in achieving your goals.