Patients who come into the plastic surgeon’s office might have one or more procedures in mind, but in general, they want to look good for their age and slow down the aging process. From keeping skin looking smooth and bright to helping their weight-loss goals by minimizing problem areas and contouring the figure, there are many options available. Every plan starts with a healthy lifestyle, filled with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Share some cosmetic options and give your patients some ideas about how to look better than ever; without compromising their natural good looks.

Here’s an article on how you can age gracefully with the help of cosmetic surgery and medicine:

The face

A man or woman who has already had a Facelift, Eyelid Lift or Rhinoplasty is going to be happy with their new look after surgery. They have addressed a major problem that was causing them problems. Once that is corrected, there may be procedures that can help them continue to put their best face forward.* Nonsurgical procedures for anti-aging–buzzwords-anti-aging-packages-1051920

* Sleep is a major factor in keeping skin looking young and fresh
* Injectables and Botox can help you look more approachable

The hands

Many people don’t realize that their hands age along with their body until it’s too late. Wrinkles, sunspots and loss of fat and volume can be gradual or if you’re like most, hit overnight when you realize you haven’t used gloves enough or put sunscreen on your hands.
* News article addressing hand rejuvenation
* Information about hand rejuvenation

The body

After a Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck or Body Contouring procedure, most are excited about their new physiques and feeling confident. Are there areas where liposuction or nonsurgical fat reduction could help? Cellulite or spider vein treatment?
* If one part of your body is bothering you, liposuction can help
* Cellulite doesnít have to be something you have to live with now
* Are dark veins making you feel self-conscious about your legs?