Gender: Female
Months Post-Op: 3
Breast Surgery
Procedure Type: Breast Implant Revision
Implant Placement: Subglandular
Pre-Op Cup Size: 36DDD
Post-Op Cup Size: 36DD
Implant Type: Mentor MemoryGel Xtra silicone
Implant Profile: Moderate Plus Profile
Implant Shape: Round
Implant Surface: Smooth
Implant Size: 545cc
Doctor’s Comments
Patient had silicone breast implants for about 20 years. She developed capsular contracture. Then, she underwent revision breast augmentation by another San Diego plastic surgeon using 680 cc silicone implants, placed 1 year before consulting with Dr. Gregory Park. After this second surgery she complained that her nipples pointed down, her breasts were too large, and the left breast had more upper pole fullness than the right. After discussing options for improving the appearance of her breasts with Dr. Park, she decided to downsize her implants and have a breast breast lift. The patient’s old implants were removed and replaced with 545cc Mentor smooth High Profile Xtra silicone implants. She also underwent a breast lift to improve her breast shape and nipple areolae positions. Before and after photos show the results 3 months after Revision Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift. This patient was very happy with her results.