Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 4″
Weight: 154 lbs
Months Post-Op: 3
Breast Augmentation Surgery
Procedure Type: Revision Breast Augmentation
Implant Placement: Dual Plane Submuscular
Incision Site: Inframammary
Pre-Op Cup Size: 34DD
Post-Op Cup Size: 34DD
Implant Type: Allergan SRX Silicone
Implant Profile: Extra Full Profile
Implant Shape: Round
Implant Surface: Smooth
Left Implant Size: 445cc
Right Implant Size: 545cc
Doctor’s Comments
This patient was concerned about breast asymmetry, left implant malposition, and right breast capsular contracture. Patient had a history of breast augmentation using Allergan SRX extra full profile smooth silicone implants, placed by another San Diego area plastic surgeon 3 years prior to meeting Dr. Park. The implants were placed under the muscle, through donut lift incisions. The size of the implants were 545cc on the right and 445cc on the left. The patient said that different sizes were used due to preexisting breast volume and shape asymmetry. Since her initial surgery the patient underwent 2 revisions in the left breast for lateral malposition by her first plastic surgeon. Despite a capsulorrhaphy pocket repair in the 1st revision and the use of Galaflex and capsulorrhaphy in the 2nd revision, the implant on the left still laterally displaced into the armpit when lying down. In addition, the right breast developed capsular contracture around a year after her initial surgery. She consulted with Dr. Gregory Park who performed revision surgery with pocket site change on the left by placing new implant in a dual plane split muscle neo-pocket. A capsulectomy and implant exchange was done on the right to address the capsular contracture. After the revision breast augmentation this patient’s breasts appearance were much improved. Her before and after photos show her results 3 months after surgery.